Saturday, February 27, 2010

What's been happening

We made a quick trip to Tennessee, dropped off a couple gifts, had a great time!

This is the quilt I made for BEB. His neighbor ordered one for himself!

Here is how the guys spent their time together, this and drinking beer.

Chick went to the winter ball at school. I think next time, I am going to have to plan on more then one day dress shopping, I can't do the 10 hour marathon shoping anymore. I get too crabby.

And working. That is what I have been up to. Not really anything terribly exciting. I might have some good news soon but I don't want to jinx it.


supermom said...

The quilt is awesome!

And Chic looks fabulous! Her dress is beautiful, it fits her personality! :)

Cindy said...

I love the hat thing chick is wearing, she looks so grown up, it scares me. The next generation is on it's way up and out. WOW, time flies. Love the quilt, you outdo yourself on them, better go check out the quilt store on 50th and L.......I think I am going to, they specilize in batiks. My favorite.