Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's fall already

The cool weather is here already and I am not a bit sorry to see it. I don't like to melt, it just isn't proper. As we all know, I am super concerned with propriety. School started August 18th and three weeks in, I have gotten calls from the principals 3 times. Twice in one day. Are you serious? I got exactly 2 calls for behavior from the old school in the entire 7 years my kids had been going there. Maybe I was just spoiled but I am a little concerned when one of the calls was because my 7 year old was playing tag at recess. Apparently that is no longer allowed. Really? When did that happen? Isn't it a training game for future sports like football, basketball, soccer? You don't want kids to sit around and play video games but you don't want them chasing each other either. OK.