Thursday, September 27, 2007


You know you have those days when you have to check the calendar to make sure God isn't playing some kind of joke and it isn't really a Monday, Again? This is one of those days. It seems amazing to me that on the days that everyone is home to pitch in cleaning, something always manages to come up. Spectacular phenomenon that leaves me to clean up after 6 other people. Many mini battles being fought daily that I am tired of.

There is the school. I am becoming less and less in love with the whole thing. If you have a student that has turned in 1 assignment out of 8, wouldn't you think there is a problem? I told the principal and whoever else would listen that Blondie was behind the curve. They finally scheduled testing last week and it won't be till Oct. 9th (at the earliest) that they do anything about it. I completely understand that she isn't the only student that needs help BUT!! I get a letter saying that she is failing 4 classes because she won't do her work. Really? Think that might be a problem? I have been trying to get some help since before school started and they are just now coming to that conclusion???

There is my niece, the fascinating psychological study, that is pissed at me because I wouldn't lie for her. It seems pretty easy to me, you pay your bills, you get good references.

I have insurance to deal with, yeah that is fun. Trying to deal with all that red tape and stupid applications and forms is enough to make me wanna scream.

Then there is Chick and her jealousy. I don't even know where to start with that. I have tried talking to her, rationalizing with her and all she wants to focus on is so and so is talking about/with/to Blondie. She is feeling so insecure which I get, it goes with the age. I just wish she had a little more self confidence. I had to move Blondie in with 411 last night, we'll see how long that lasts.

And on top of all of it, I get my mother calling me semi guilt tripping me about my grandmother. Or my lack of visits to be more precise. I feel bad that I don't take the time, but she doesn't have a clue who I am and doesn't talk anymore. The last visit that my mom went to at the nursing home, she found out that Grandma has to have her diaper changed every hour and is confined/restrained to a wheelchair. She doesn't recognize anyone and doesn't talk or even acknowledge that you are talking. If I had had an even semi close relationship with her I might be more apt to drive the 2 hours up there. As it is I feel I have enough on my plate and don't see the point when she doesn't understand what is going on around her. And truthfully, that makes me feel like such a bitch. It is one thing in my head but I can't stamp out that little morsel of guilt.

So, that is how this day is going and it is barely noon. Did I mention Mikey wants to go camping this weekend and it is supposed to rain all weekend? Perfect.


Unknown said...

If I remember correctly, wasn't it your grandmother who made some awful comment to you after you were removed from the lovely home you mom shared with the step monster? Something along the lines of "So, are you in this family now?" or something along those lines?
Maybe it was someone else, but I remember it being your grandmother.

Brandy said...

Yeah, that was my grandmother. She didn't (doesn't?) believe in airing family laundry as she put it and I totally offended her sensibility. Forget I was being molested, I told a family secret.