This weekend was my annual birthday breakfast (using the term lightly). We had to have it a little late this year because of my mother in law's massive surgery and health issues. She is all healed up now and it was time to get away. My five sister in laws and I went and stayed overnight in a condo in downtown Omaha. We all met up and had a couple glasses of wine. I have discovered I do not care for red, I prefer a sweeter white. Pretty sad I am coming to this realization at 34 but hey, better late then never. Anyway, Cindy brought sushi for all the girls to try, that was kinda funny. I have had it before (thank you Jen-o) but not with the wasabi/soy mix. The other ladies tried it and were, shall we say, less then impressed. It was fun watching their reactions and I appreciate Cindy broadening our horizons. I got to open all my fabulous gifts, all of it was wonderful, especially the extra cash. HA HA HA
We went out to dinner at a restaurant that was just a block away called JAZZ. It was a little place with a live jazz band playing on a little balcony above the diners. I should have been warned when my stuffed mushroom appetizer cleared my sinuses that they really, Really like their creole seasoning. I doubt I would go back because that isn't my cup of tea but it was so much fun trying something new. And the dessert was AWESOME. And we got some really cool bead necklaces that my girls just thought was the best gift.
After our dinner adventure, we went to a haunted house. I don't like these things but it was the second year in a row that I got roped into going. Dianne, Deanne, Michelle and I went in while Cindy and Wendy waited outside for us. Michelle gets some twisted thrill off of scaring herself spitless. We are always teasing her about it, so it was funny that all the "ghouls" that were wondering around as we were waiting to go in spooked her and left us alone.
Then we went to the store and got some snackys and more wine. On the way back to the condo, Cindy's car died. We think her alternator keeled over, so it wasn't going anywhere. We tried jumpstarting it several times in the middle of the intersection and finally ended up pushing it 1/2 block to a parking lot. That was a picture that would have been worth a thousand words let me tell you!
Finally at 1 in the morning, we got back to the rooms and visited a little more, I took a whirlpool bath and nearly went swimming the thing was so big. Deanne helped me light candles all around it, it was soo wonderful. Micheel and I got to sleep at oh 2:30-3 and were wide awake for some ridiculous reason at 6:45. Deanne had the concierge bring up bagels and fresh fruit for breakfast. Then we started our day shopping for the Halloween bash for the kids in our town. We finally got back to our neck of the woods around 6. We helped Jason, Bob and Ronnie hang the black plastic in the big garage. I finally got home to sit at 8, I was so wiped out. Chick wanted to show me the class ring she picked out, see my gifts, and visit cuz she missed me. I felt bad but I was so tired I went and laid down by 9 and was dozing by 9:05. And I slept hard till 8 this morning, it felt great.
There is lots to be done this week, treat sacks to assemble, olives to slice, hamburger to cook, treats to make, decorations to hang, Kool aid to make, serving trays and bowls to clean, games to set up, garages to clean, a hayrack ride to mapout and stage, and a ton of miscellaneous things that come up. It is so worth it though, the kids are thrilled with it and come away with a good memory. It makes such an impression, the parents are asking if we are having it again because their kids are still talking about how cool the last one was. The really cool part is, the noodles we sold in September paid for everything we needed to pull this off.