Thursday, October 9, 2008

on the calmer side

It is my first solitary day for like 2 weeks now. We had company, which was FABULOUS, and then Chick was ill with a stomach ache for four days. I took her to the doctor yesterday and she said that Chick has excess stomach acid and gave her some medicine. What really seemed to work though was when she didn't have to go work on the big group project that was due today. I think she stressed herself out over it to the point of being ill. She is sensitive like that.
My sister in law Michelle 'boo'd' us, so of course I had to 'boo' others. For those of you that aren't familiar, a 'boo' is like a may basket, a little goody bag with a cute poem on how to pass it on. I ended up 'booing' 4 people and not one of them acknowledged it. That is so frustrating. Just something a little fun and people are such poopers.
I have decided that a diet is in order, there are alot of really cool things happening next year and I don't wanna look like stay-puft for them. And I am making Mikey do it too cuz I am that mean. We will see what we see.
The annual halloween party is in 2 weeks and we haven't even started planning yet. The fundraiser (remember all the noodles?) did really well, so we have plenty of cash for the things we need, we just have to decide what it is we need. We are breaking it up this year, younger kids party first and then a break then the older kids dance/karaoke party. It makes it alot more fun when the kids appreciate what you are doing for them. I am really getting excited about it.

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