Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas break

The kids weren't supposed to start their break till today (Tuesday) but due to the weather, they got out early Thursday then had Friday and Monday off too. SO I can realistically say we are at day five. It has been ok, I thought I was losing my mind earlier then Mr decided to take a nap so I am ok. Last weekend Chick was sick, yesterday 411 was ill and Mike and Mr have been really fatigued with headaches. Me and Bubba are the last hold outs. I am hoping it skips us cuz we have way too much to do.
My mom is coming down for a couple of hours tomorrow then going up to my brothers on Christmas day. My sister emailed me to get a vacation to Canada planned for next summer. My aunt is spending the holiday season with her daughter in Alabama (or Georgia, I forget where she lives). That is the extent of my side of the family's involvement with each other. It never has been a close knit one. I am really thankful that my kids are growing up with a sense of family. They just don't know how lucky they are, I just hope the closeness continues as they get older and get their own families.
I got to talk to Zach the other day. I knew he was really down cuz he just doesn't chat with me usually. I am not good at small talk so that really limits who I talk to, you have to know me to love me kind of thing. Anyway, he is having a rough time this go round. I feel so bad for him, he has always had this attitude about it. Maybe that is what he needed to get through I don't know but it is gone now. He just wants to come home. And the really cool part is he will be trying to come here when he says home. I think I am going to try to put together some cookies or something when we get this moving thing out of the way. Pesky details ;)

1 comment:

Wendy said...

i say emergency pity party for zach needs to be planned. we will make some cookies to send to our big eared brother.