Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What a difference a few days make.

The kids slipped right back into their school routine, even with changing up who is getting them up in the AM with little trouble. I started a new job, had to train a couple of days and tonight I start the overnights. It is going to be a good schedule fit, it's weird to be going back to work after around 15 taking care of kids. I wonder if I will still get the comments about how I need to get a real job.... EEWW a little bitterness there. Anyway, I think it is going to be a good thing.
Today is school picture day. One week exactly after school starts. Homecoming is October 2nd, it seems like stuff just gets earlier each year. But, like my daughter tells me, "you've been out of school for like forever, you just don't know what it's like". I remember saying something similar to my mother. I remember her laughing. I understand that laughter now. It is true, things have changed alot but some things don't. There is still that kid that is miserable and loves making everyone else miserable. There is still the one that everyone loves but is secretly so jealous of. Still have those few souls that just don't fit anywhere. Somethings stay the same.
Mike is doing well, they are staying so busy at his job. It is really something to be thankful for when so many people are losing their jobs and have to start all over again.
I was talking to my mom yesterday, my uncle has prostate cancer. We aren't sure how advanced it is or where he's at as far as treatment. I bring this up because it's one of those things you hear about but think in the back of your mind, oh that is someone else problem, not mine. So, as my service announcement for the day, get your yearly physicals and tests done people. It is amazing to me how many people say ' I need to get this or that checked' and then don't. It isn't like a car, you can't just go buy a new body. Maybe someday we can. OOOO there is a happy thought, I'll order the size 8 with curly hair and perfect vision with great teeth. Hmmmmmm.........


Cindy said...

I had a gal from my bead group get all freaked out about a conversation I had at one of our meetings. I was telling them how I call Steve's Dr. to have them do the prostate check. It's like this, the Dr. asks the man if he wants it done...........and of course they say NO.....just like I would if I had a choice over our nice little annual check! I call to let the Dr. know it isn't an option. She got home and got so worried about her DH that she told him to go right in and have it checked. Even though he wasn't even at the age when they normally start. He had a growth, and it was 4 years before his baseline exams would have started. So,yeah, it's important.

Wendy said...

have a happy first "night" on the job!