Monday, June 30, 2008

So that happened

My teen is gone. We took her down yesterday for her annual visit, she will come back sometime in early August. I am glad that she has that much more family, I am ok with getting a little break from the teen angst, I am happy that she gets to experience lots of new and different things every year. With that said, I miss her already. She goes every summer, has for the last 7 years. For some reason, this year, it was a little harder to let her go.

My mother in law is doing awesome. The doctors are somewhat confident they got all the tumor and she was up walking around the hall 5 days after surgery. Her will and determination are just so amazing to me. While she is taking a medical vacation (HA!) her daughters are repainting and sprucing up her home so when she comes home, it is clean and bright with the minor repairs done. I am impressed with their spirits as well, it shows that the apples didn't fall far.

So, the town celebration was this weekend. 411 is in Girl Scouts, so she had to go help with their bake sale. She was so excited, she was up at 6 AM. The carnival is across the street from us. Usually we go camping over the weekend is in town. I remember the reason now. It isn't to deprive my children from the fun, as they like to tell us, it's because it is so expensive. The tickets for the rides (all 13 of them) were $20 for 22 or $1 a piece. Each ride took between 3 and 5 tickets. If you do the math, that is 4-7 rides and with 4 kids, it doesn't work. You could throw darts at balloons, 5 darts would cost you $10. I would so much rather save my money and take the kids to an amusement park. I love the rest of the celebration though. They have city wide yard sales, a flea market, a pie auction for the volunteer fire department, a car show, a free kids activity "carnival", parades, Tabor Idol ( which Mike's twin sister MICHELLE won third place. I still think she was robbed), a street dance, a band, a beer garden, a free drive in movie (well, sit in the grass in the park and watch the side of the building) and other stuff I am forgetting. Everyone comes out, even from surrounding towns, and has a good time. The biggest problem was some teens throwing stink bombs at people. With the horror stories on CNN, I am thinking it is not such a bad place to be.

Mikey is twitching to get down to the river to camp. The Mighty Mo is down to normal levels, the ground is mostly dry. He is antsy to get the grass mowed, the sinkholes filled and get the camper down there so we can celebrate the 4th of July. Mr is just as excited. What a crazy summer it has been. It feels like we are getting Spring weather in late June. Hopefully, it will be summer soon. Not that I am in any hurry for the humidity.

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