Friday, April 3, 2009

I am going to be controversial today.

My state has just overturned a law banning same sex marriages.
I applaud this. I do not understand why two people who love each other and are committed to each other should not be allowed to marry. I can not grasp the reasoning behind- it's wrong. It is such a blanket statement, I don't get it. Why is it wrong for two people to make a commitment in the eyes of the law? I am proud that my state joins the few that allows for all people to enter into matrimony. Now, I just hope they don't reverse themselves like a couple of states have.


supermom said...

oh buddy, ouch! that is a tough one. depends on your views. basically, it boils down to religion. we are a country founded on religion. in the bible it says that marriage is b/w a man and a woman. not man and man, woman and woman. iowa is so liberal, it is amazing to me. just pointing out the other side of things. i honestly could care less. don't agree with it, but, doesn't matter to me.

Cindy said...

Not touching this one.