Tuesday, February 19, 2008


It has been brought to my attention that I am slacking again. Nothing really new to report I guess.
Bubba made it to the county spelling bee, that is kinda cool. The school sent home a study list of 4th and 5th grade words, he has them both almost completely down cold. 411 (in her competitiveness) wanted me to quiz her too, I was suprised how many words she could spell for being in 2nd grade. Of course I brag on this, I have to mention the 55% he brought home on a science test and the 72% on his states quiz. If it is something that doesn't interest him, he doesn't even pretend to pay attention. I don't know how to battle that. So Monday we spent the day studying all the studies he got a low grade in: Math, Science, Social Studies, and then his spelling list. He wasn't happy with me but that is ok, because I wasn't happy with him either. He actually asked me 'why do I have to study that? I already took the test' I told him I could garuntee that he would need to know the states, it would come up again ( he had to know 23 states and capitols). Since he is in 4th grade, not only would it come again this year, there were at least a couple more years that it would be usefull info to have. And, more then likely, before the end of the year is up, his teacher will give them a blank map and they will have to fill in all 50 states and all the capitals in the right parts. So yeah, it will come up again, he does have to know it.
Our good friend Snatch is leaving the country again in April. Poor bastard, at least he got to spend some one on one with his son. Mike and I are hoping that we will get to have him up for a couple of weeks over the summer before he goes to his mom.
You know, I just noticed something kinda sad. Blondie brought home a test last week that she was very proud of, she got a 100% on it, very cool. We made an appropiate big deal of it. It is the exact same test of all 50 states that Bubba will be taking before the end of the year. The sad part of it is Blondie is in 8th grade, this is where they have determined that her level is at in social studies. Don't get me wrong, I am glad that they are tailoring her education to a level she can succeed at. It just seems a little, just a tad, too far back. I mean I think she is smarter then a fourth grade level. I don't know, maybe that is why I am not an educator. I trust they know what they are doing.
I have gotten Mikey hooked in Lost. Last year he kept making fun of me for getting all into it, this year he is hooked. I love the show, I think it is going to be even better that they have an end date in mind, gives the storylines more purpose. Less filler, more story ;)
Speaking of Mikey, he accused me of being a reality show junkie. I object, there are only a few I watch. American Idol, Real World/Road Rules Challenge, Big Brother. I try to watch Real World and Road Rules but I forget they are on. I have watched ANTM before when there wasn't anything on. I really don't care what the Flavor of Love is or that Scott Baio is 46 and pregnant. We have started watching House, love the snarkiness. I am really glad the writers strike is over, but it sucks that it is going to take 4-6 weeks to get new shows on the air.
Chick is doing her part for fundraising for the Washington DC trip, they had a dance on Friday and the proceeds went to kids going on the trip as long as they were there. So she went. I asked her how it went and she was really happy and said she didn't dance with any boys but had a lot of fun. I am so ok with that. I know I am on borrowed time with the no boys thing but I am really thankful for that. It is weird, I keep hoping she will get her first boyfriend (for her sake) but I don't really want her having a boyfriend (for my sake). She is so loyal that when she does, it will take alot to break them up. We were talking about drivers ed since I got an email about it from the school. She is still too young this year but next year that will really mess up her summer visits to her gramma's/aunts. My mom keeps telling me that when she gets a boyfriend, she won't wanna go anyway. I'm not sure, I doubt she will voluntarily give up getting spoiled rotten for a month and a half.

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