Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Here is my mom, nephew and me. I wish I could take a good picture once in awhile.....

This is Lewis, my nephew, my sister Terrie, and her husband David.

And lookie what we found Sunday after I came back.

And here is the baby of the batch. How it was found is beyond me!


Cindy said...

One of Steve's employees always brings him mushrooms. Tonight they were cleaned and ready to cook, boy do they taste good! I am done, I usually only want one batch.

Unknown said...

I remember one photo that you sent to me from Colorado Springs--it was shortly after you moved there. It was a picture of you and a very young boy goofing off. That was Lewis! How dare he get big and adult-like????!!!!

Brandy said...

I know, when the hell did that happen, right?!