Tuesday, May 13, 2008

oompa loompa

SO I had written this long ole post yesterday, I was rather pleased with myself. When I hit publish, blogger deleted it. Let's see if I can recapture the gist.
Mikey remembered Mommie's day (yeah!) with a early morn trip for Krispy Kreme and roses.
Went to my mother in laws for a get together, that was really nice, no fights.
Chick won first place in a corner conference art fair for her collage.
I went to the oral surgeon, he wants to pull 5 teeth and send me to an orthodontist for braces for a year before he will do the realignment on my jaw.
My mother. I have to love her. She is always teasing me about how I thought she was out of touch and it is just so funny that Chick thinks the same of me. This is in between giving me asinine parenting advice and lecturing me on my weight and my daughters' weight. The thing of it is, yes, she probably did have similar experiences but her ideas on handling them sometimes are just not plausible. Like Mr being the high spirited imp that he is, she regularly recommended spanking him. I finally told her beating him is not going to do any good so come up with something else. Now she will just go, 'I don't know what you are going to do with that kid'. I know she means well, I do, and I should be thankful I am even in contact with her as I know a lot of people that don't have that luxury. BUT I am raising kids in the 21st century, not the 60's (and eighties for my late in life self). I am trying to grow as a parent and a person and while I believe a swat on the butt once in awhile will not kill anyone, I do not believe it is the answer for every problem. Like Chick's attitude will not be adjusted by smacking her no matter how much I want to. And the simple fact I want to is probably a warning against it in itself. I will figure it out, I have faith in my capabilities.


Unknown said...

I should be the perfect parent because I had a GREAT example of what NOT to do with kids, thanks to my parents.

Wendy said...

umm..what about duct tape..yeah..duct tape. Sorry..i can't loan you some, need it for riles. :)