Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I make no apology for who I am. This is my blog. I write about things that make me happy, piss me off, make me sad, tickle me pink. I share with whoever because this is my therapy, it helps to keep me sane. When I am struggling with something I feel is unfair, whether it is on CNN or in my backyard, I share. I welcome all feedback. I have inadvertently hurt feelings when I share my opinions. That is not my intention, I immediately edited or deleted the posts when it is brought to my attention. Thankfully, there have only been a couple of instances where I vented and then thought. That is all I am going to say on the subject.

I took 411 in to the specialist today for her ears, she got a glowing bill of good health. She was very relieved to not need tubes, it scared her. Even though I explained that her 4 year old cousin had them and they didn't bother her, 411 was still not happy. She kills me.

Chick is postponing her departure for the summer till JULY so she can participate in the fundraising for our trip to Washington DC. It is weird having her here but at least I'll get to celebrate her birthday with her this year. I haven't gotten to do that since she was 5. She will still get 5 weeks with her father's side of the family, not much more though since school starts August 14th. I think that is just stupid early. She is excited because she got to choose her classes, one of the perks of being in high school. Oh god, I have a high schooler.

On the other end of the spectrum, Mr is EXCITED about kindergarten. He is looking forward to seeing Riles everyday. That is his bestest girlfriend ya know. ;) I am more excited because I know he will be in school ALL day. Siiiiigggggghhhhhhhhhh

Bubba, I am fighting a battle with my little preteen. He doesn't think he has to follow rules or do chores. I know this is normal and once again, I should be thankful for my blessings of such a textbook child. BUT damn is it frustrating.

I am putting together boxes for my any soldier project. I had them all addressed and ready to go and then found out about the large flat rate boxes the post office offers for a discount to military addresses overseas. So I went and got a couple of these and transferred all the goodies to these. Well now they are not full and I am not sending them without them being packed to the brim. It costs the same to mail them, might as well make it a really really good.


Cindy said...

Well, let me know what is needed to go into the boxes and I will help. I enjoy doing it.

Wendy said...

when you have solved the secret of the preteen will you share? I will help in any way i can for the boxes..let me know what to bring for them.

Deanne said...

What kind of things are you putting in your boxes? I will help out. I love Mr. Snatch too!

#3 son said...

I still love you