Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Spring things

411 and Bubba had a spring concert/play called BUGZ, it was soo cute. 411 picked out her outfit all by herself, she was so proud.

Mr and his faux-hawk enjoying a bubble bath

Bubba the "Army Ant", I really had to struggle with him to get him to wear the camo. LOL it was more making him narrow it down to which camo.

Here he is doing his rap solo, Eminem he is not but he had a ball. If you look towards the upper left of the kids, there is 411 groovin' away.

Mr. graduated Preschool last night. He was so cute, the teacher was just amazing. They had a section called "show off time" and they all got to show off all of their hard work. This was either Tooty-ta or Going on a Bear Hunt. My mom came down for the occasion and she was impressed too with Miss Stef-ee-ee's hard work. I can only hope that all my kids' teachers care as much as she does.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I love how justin is all bubbly clean in the tub with a dirty face, absolutely adorable!