Thursday, May 1, 2008

What a difference

a few days make. The big news I guess would be that Blondie no longer lives with us. Unfortunately, it was an unpleasant leaving. I was very upset Tuesday but after hearing from the home provider and the therapist that I had handled things well I felt better about things. Mike and I were talking as well and we came to the conclusion that she had decided what she wanted to happen and would go to whatever extremes she needed to accomplish that. It is frustrating that things couldn't have resulted in a happier conclusion but you live and you learn.
I have gone through my entire closet twice to try to find something I feel looks nice and I am comfortable in. That is the major problem about not having to dress professionally for a job, I just don't do it often enough. I did buy the cutest shoes for what I thought I was going to wear. When I tried it all on, I hated it. So back to the closet I go.
I have lost my five pounds for the month!! YAHOO!! See, Chick and I are going to Washington DC next May. I figured out if I lost 5 pounds a month, I would lose the weight I want to and be almost exactly where I want. And 5 pounds a month is a goal that is achievable. With all the mouth surgery they want to do, I should be able to keep on task plus.
Speaking of oral stuff, the update on that is, I went to the dentist. Who, by the way, was very gentle and didn't make me freak once. The basic diagnosis was that I need three teeth pulled, my jaw cut and realigned, a crown and a bridge. Yeah, lots to look forward to. I am going on the 7th for the surgery consult.

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