Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ups and Downs

This has been one of those roller coaster, never know what to expect, hang on tight kinda weeks. Let me start by saying that my mother in law is doing well, still really weak and not wanting to exercise as much as she should but getting ready to move to skilled nursing care.
Thursday, I went to lunch with my mom and then went and got the kids school supplies. I have to get shoes and 3 backpacks, maybe a coulpa jeans and I will be done. I have to get done in July because in August, it is going to cost me $100 to enroll them and $100 for school pictures on top of lunch ticket money, regular bills and 2 birthday celebrations.
Friday, I had a woman come to my home ( long story, not going into it) with an Attitude. I have dealt with snobs before, but I have never encountered someone with such a superiority complex. I am intimidated by new people easily (shh don't let everyone know, I hide it well), but I am dealing with it. This woman comes in and refuses to sit in my house, she sat outside on my deck in 95 degree weather with 70% humidity as opposed to sitting on my chair. And was not subtle about the insult either. After about 2 minutes of her bragging and attitude, I got irritated. She had two little girls with her, both dressed to perfection and not allowed to breath too deeply let alone walk more then 2 feet from her. I think about the time she started to tell me how terrible EV is, that is when I let the redneck out. I started flashing her my tooth, telling Dude to get some muddy cars for the girls, talking about how filthy the kids get at the river, how hard it is to get the sand out of everywhere. It may be childish but it made me feel better, she was being such a bitch. It made me realize that I like me. I may not have a pristine house, I may not have all the money that I would like, but people like me and want to be around me. In the long run, that is what matters to me. I wonder if she can say the same?
Saturday, I had an accident. I backed out of my parking spot and managed to run into Josh and Leslies rear bumper. It didn't do much damage (scraped the paint a little and put a softball sized dent in my rear quarter panel) but Mikey went through the roof. You know me, little miss emotional, I had to go bawl for 1/2 an hour. He came in and apologized for overreacting. It was soo embarrassing. But, I might point out, this is the first accident that was my fault since I started driving when I was 15.
My mom is hosting Rag-Brai (sp?) on her property this weekend so she called to tell me all about Team Miller High Life. For those of you lucky enough to not live in Iowa, Rag Brai is where teams of bicyclists go on a tour of Iowa, each year it is a different course so the towns they go through are different. I personally don't see how they can handle biking all day when they party as hard as they do at night. Mom was telling me about the naked bicyclist (she had on pasties and a g-string but at first glance looked nakey) and the kegs they were pulling off the buses on her terrace. They were very considerate, offering her a beer within like 10 minutes of arriving. She quite drinking years ago because of her blood pressure but it was nice of them to offer.
I watched STOP-LOSS and STEP UP 2 last night. I really liked the first, it was a good picture into some of the thoughts that our soldiers have. Granted, there were glaring gloss overs but hey, it wasn't a documentary. The second I was kinda disappointed in; I loved the original. I love dancing shows and movies but I shoulda listened to the whole -sequels are rarely as good- mumbo jumbo.

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