Wednesday, July 30, 2008

yadda yadda

So, another week, another step closer to school. Not much new going on, just hanging out this week. We have a wedding to go to this Saturday. It is outdoors and it is supposed to be 97 degrees with A LOT of humidity. UGg so not looking forward to the weather. I got one of quilts that was requested done (more on that later) and am starting on the quilt for grandma and then after that I have another requested one to do. And am making a stocking for miss Riles. and my mom just called and told me that plums are almost ready. I am hoping to get some to make plum jam again, that was sooo good. I finally got all the stuff to the storage shed that I have been saying needs to go for months. yeah, and getting 4 kids ready for school. Not really doing much.
Mike, Michelle and I went to see G'Ma Coates at the hospital. She reminds me of a kid the way she was making faces at all the food she tried. She put in a request for some BLT salad, I am going to try to get enough garden fresh tomatoes for a batch.
I went to work on the garden a bit, I should say the weed patch. I am so disgusted with the way it has overgrown. I am not a gardener, not my idea of fun, but I can't see letting all those plants go to waste. I went out to see if it was worth salvaging and there were cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers and some kind of hot peppers that were planted by accident, turnips (Michelle's bright request) onions and even some radishes left. The pumpkin and squash plants are blooming like mad, I am hoping they can be salvaged. I got Mikey to weed-eat the grass that was thigh high so I could see the plants, they are actually doing really well. I wish I had the big tomato cages but oh well, you live and you learn. He mowed down the parts that didn't have plants and WOW what a difference. I think next year, maybe not quite so much. But, then I get to thinking ohhh, zucchini, watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, potatoes, pumpkin, cabbage. I will have to see if we have anywhere to plant next spring before I get too excited.
I talked to Chick today. She had an episode (for lack of a better term) the other day. She wanted to call me but her phone was acting up so she asked to use her aunts phone and she told Chick no, it was too late. That royally pissed me off. I know her aunt was thinking it is the middle of the night, it can wait till morning, but the whole reason I got Chick her cell phone was so she could call me at anytime if she wanted to. If my daughter wants to talk to me, I want to talk to her. I thought I had made that clear last year but apparently not. Next year ought to be interesting because she will have drivers ed most of the summer. I am thinking she will get a week with her grandma and a week with her aunt, that's it. I am already on the poop sheet because " I am scaling her visits down to nothing". Oh well, I am the mom! I should be thankful I only have to deal with this stuff once a year.
Oh, I forgot to mention, my nephew who is getting married this Saturday, JAKE, competed in his final demolition derby last week. He is taking off for a few years to spend time with his girls and his soon to be wife. SO, in typical Jake fashion, he went out with a bang. This year there was a car derby and a separate truck derby. Mike and I didn't get to go because he had to go on a 28 hour road trip (another story entirely) but Jake managed to get 1st place! I gotta give him props for it, he built the cars and ran them himself. Way to go.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Did you get the silver fabric? I have looked everywhere, but haven't been by the quilt shop to look there. Let me know.