Friday, July 25, 2008

warm fuzzies

I ran across this story :
Charles Barkley tips well, pays busboy's tuition to Temple

(,95780 )

It is nice to hear about celebrities that are doing more with their money then buying the latest multi-million home for their dogs. It is REALLY nice to hear about one human doing something for someone else without any kind of ulterior motive. I like to hear about random acts of kindness and I try to perform them too. Course, it isn't as grand a gesture but it is all about the thought.

Nothing really spectacular going on around here, just trying to get the kids ready for school. 19 days. I'm not counting or anything. OK, so I am but at least I am not counting the hours. Yet.
Still trying to pin down a date for Chick to come home, she is starting to get homesick. She is such a homebody. My big high schooler. oh geez, I was trying to ignore that fact.
Mikey is dying to go to the river and camp but lovely mother nature is being persnickety and it is supposed to rain all weekend. Gotta love that.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

That is really cool. I loved the story when Shaq gave a little boy his shoes. The kid had size 14 shoes, or something ridiculous like that. The mom cuoldn't afford them, Shaq got word and took the kid all of his 'old' ones, including dress shoes, tennis shoes, track shoes, etc.