Sunday, November 16, 2008

some things

I have been super busy lately. Last week I went and had Thanksgiving dinner with my mom and Grandma at the nursing home where G'ma has lived for the last few years. She has extreme dementia, doesn't even remember her name most of them time. It is really sad and very difficult for me to try to converse with her. Anyway, she had a good 45 minutes of at least talking (instead of the usual glazed over stare). One of the things she said to my mom while we were chatting with her is "I like the way she does things" (referring to me of course), my mom replied, 'yeah, mom, you always have'. It kinda made me smile a little. It was so difficult when were getting ready to leave, she was getting tired, and we asked if she was ready to go back to her room, and in this little girl voice she said no. Oh the guilt.
Mike and I have started cleaning the house. For those of you that don't know, we found a house (finally!) but it needed major cleaning. Scratch that, major shoveling. I am not kidding or exaggerating as I tend to do, we removed 9 truck loads of garbage out of this house. I can not even begin to describe the nastiness. The mice had been living there freely for sometime. Even under the carpet on the stairs. OMG! But now, after a couple of days of hard labor (thanks guys!) it is down to the original hard wood floors and they are going to be BEE_YOUT_A_FULL when we get them resanded. Lots of work but the owner is an extremely nice guy that is willing to work with us and give us a really good deal.
On a much, much sadder note, one of my aunts died last week. I wasn't really close to her because we haven't lived close to her for many decades, but she was always very sweet to me when I was a little girl. I don't really remember her well but I do remember that she was nice and made me feel good. It is true what they say, children don't remember the words you say but how it made them feel.


Unknown said...

OH no! This isn't another Bagdad project is it?????

Deanne said...

So sorry to hear about your Aunt. I know how you feel. Sometimes growing up you don't always get talked to and treated nicely and it's the people that make the special attempt that hold the fondest memories for you. I really excited about your new house. I wish I had known you needed extra help cause I would have gotten my lazy but up earlier Saturday and got my stuff done so I could come help you. You know I would have helped no matter how bad it was. Hopefully I can come over this weekend.