Friday, November 7, 2008

Such disappointment

So I took Dude to the allergist yesterday to get his blood drawn to check his level of allergy. He first tested at 1.4, six months later he tested at 1.2. That is why they told me to come back in November to get tested again because if his level goes below a 1, they will do a challenge on him. That is where they make him eat peanuts and stuff in the office to expose his system to it slowly. Basically, he wouldn't be classified as allergic anymore, so I was UBER excited to take him up there. We checked in and I paid my $25 co-pay, I sat in the waiting room for 10 minutes, then they called us back. They took us and got his weight and height and put us in a room. The doctor came in, filled out a form and told me to come back in January to get his blood tested, he didn't want to do it that day. We were back out in the waiting room on our way out the door less then 2 minutes after we were called back. So we have to take him back in two more months to finally get his blood checked, cross fingers for us. Meanwhile, he can't have peanut butter anything or anything with peanuts still. I am so glad I found soy butter. It tastes like a cheap peanut butter but Dude doesn't know the difference and thinks he is getting a special treat.

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