Monday, January 5, 2009

411 is 9

It is the day after 411's birthday. She got to choose dinner and she chose Shish Kabobs. They turned out rather well, a bit spicy. I used McCormick (sp?) grill mates marinade Peppercorn and Garlic for the steak (which my loving sister in law Dianne gave me from her home butchered stash), shrimp, mushrooms, onion and zucchini. I boiled up some 1/2 ears of corn and cooked some cheesy garlic bread to go with it. It is going to be a couple of weeks before she can have her party. At 9, that is a LOOOOONNNNNGGGGG time. It took me about 3 hours from start to stop for the kabobs, I had to cook them 7 at a time in my rotisserie, dump them in a bowl, assemble the next go round, and at the end, as I am assembling plates of food for my little angels, I hear, 'Why aren't they on the sticks? I thought they were on sticks. I really wanted it on sticks..'
We got the floors all sanded and the first coat of floor finish on them. I got the dining room repainted, I am still not happy. If I ever want to paint any room red again, slap me. It is really difficult to get an even coat the shade you want it. It is getting to the point where I am out of time/patience and will have to live with what I have.
The kitchen still needs to be assembled, Mike assures me that it won't take that long. Then comes the joy of moving. Woo hoo. yeah. more like pppbbbbffftttt.


Cindy said...

I read somewhere that when you paint a room red, you have to prep the walls with a weird color, was it gray? Or blue? Something you wouldn't think of on your own.

supermom said...

ask Wendy about red! ha, that one is a toughy! lots and lots of paint.

Cindy said...

I searched the net, it says to use a gray based primer, and then only 1-2 coats to cover, the worse thing to do is go over plain white. NOW I TELL YA!?

Happy Birthday Katie!

Wendy said...

yeah! even after the primer it still took me 6 coats!