Sunday, January 11, 2009


We are moving. Like I am sitting at the last chair in my apartment at the very last thing still connected to write this. It isn't as sad as it sounds, they can't move my phone till Tuesday so we just left the puter connected so we can check our emails. We have had alot of help, Michelle, Jason, Kenzie, Megan, Logan and Kelly worked their tushies off. We got kind of a late start yesterday and worked till around 9pm. Mike's sister Cindy make a couple of pans of Lasagna and some garlic bread and brought it out to our starving selves. Today , Chelle and Jason and the kids came back and we got the rest of the major stuff moved. I ran out of boxes so there is some little stuff I still have to pack and move but I can do almost all of that tomorrow during the day. It is quite a change, the house is two levels and the rooms are smaller. I have always enjoyed a challenge. Chick is on a real grouch kick so that is fun. The kids have been just staying out of the way, it is easier that way ;) They are in for a treat, the bus comes 1/2 an hour earlier at the new house in the mornings. Yeah! Wake up is 1/2 hour earlier. Wish me luck.


supermom said...

consider yourself very lucky that she brought you lasagna, she won't even mail me and the kids cookis. *sigh* maybe someday!
congrats on the move. such a pain isn't it? i don't like moving, too much crap to unpack and pack and lots and lots of cleaning! ugh! although, if we can get back to IA, I would pick up and move any day!

Cindy said...

Don't tell Supermom but I sent her brother two batches of cookies to him and his buddies.

I am glad the lasagna helped.

Unknown said...

I think it's time for an interstate lasagna care package to a stranger in Arizona