Sunday, January 25, 2009

previously on desperate housewife......

Great weekend; Mike and I took the weekend to relax and enjoy our new house.

Saturday I went up to NFM with Chelle to "window" shop for some new furniture. It was kinda depressing because all of the stuff I liked wouldn't work in our new living space. Hi, my name is Brandy and I am addicted to over sized furniture. I did get a couple of idea's for Chelle though. Her and I got into a discussion about my honesty in the middle of the store. It kinda bummed me out.. here is the thing. Chelle and I have drastically different styles but we know each other's fairly well. When we go shopping, she knows not to ask me what I think of something unless she wants to know what I really think, I don't lie to her to tell her what she wants to hear. I hate when people do that, you know: 'oh it looks great!' then you get home and really see it and can't believe you picked it out. She was giving me grief about not liking her choices and stuff so I started agreeing with everything, for some reason she didn't like that either. Gee, can't please some people (insert giggly emoticon here). It is really neat to have a friend like Chelle, she gets me. Not a lot of people do.
Saturday night Chelle & Jason, their kids, Kelly & Dan, a couple of their kids, Kevin & Kathy, Jake and Emilee and their kids came over for a little impromptu get together. I LOVE that we have those. The sad part was this house just isn't big enough to hold the whole family when we want to have a big get together till Mikey gets his building built. That is ok though because the whole fam damily doesn't usually get together till Christmas so we have plenty of time.
Today I started working on Dianne's quilt. I am kinda excited about it, it isn't a totally original design but I adapted one I had be given. I feel bad I am just getting to it but you know moving kind of took a lot of my time. I will post pictures when I get it done. Next weekend we are going to help Chelle and Jason move so having a coupla days downtime was nice. This week I get to try to find room for all the stuff that Mike shoved in the back room. Wish me luck with that! ;)

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