Thursday, February 5, 2009

I am so bummed!

The hospital called and Mr.'s peanut test numbers are still too high. In fact, they went up. I was really hoping (since the doctor said it was what he thought) that his numbers would go down and we could start the challenge. Sigh, all it means is that he is still aller-gix.

This is how double trouble spent some of their Wednesday afternoon. Riles gets to come over to play on Wednesdays but yesterday for some reason (weather change?) they were acting up on the bus and the bus driver threatened to kick them off.

I am planning on making another flag quilt that is a little different from the one that I made Dianne. Her's is what she picked out after getting the certificate for a throw sized quilt for the family grab bag. I am really sorry it took a month to get to her, what a Christmas present, but life got in the way. On the plus side, I got an order for 2 more kids sized ones. WOOHOO

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