Tuesday, November 27, 2007


wow another week is gone. What a busy one it was. Our friend Zach came for the Thanksgiving holiday and had a great time with Mikey. I got up with Michelle Thursday and went and stood in line at 6 am to try to get a Wii. Yeah good luck with that, they are like phantoms this year. You have to be in the right spot at the right time I guess. Friday I got up and picked up Dianne and Michelle to go shopping at 3 am. That right there should tell you what a nut case I am. We dropped Chelle off at Walmart to wait in line while Dianne and I went to Best Buy's line. It paid off though because we got what we wanted and were in and out of the store in under 10 minutes when it opened. It was a long day but I got Chick and Mr almost all done. I had a lot of fun. Saturday Mike was sicker then a dog most of the day so he had to miss out on hunting. I know her was bummed, he had been looking forward to it for months. Chelle and her family and Dianne and her family came over to have turkey and noodles and play cards. That was a lot of fun till Bubba started having an allergic reaction. To what we don't know. He complained of a tummy ache and turned flaming red from top to toes and itched all over. So to the ER we went. Sunday Zach left to go home and we left to go get a tree. It is a long standing argument; I love real real trees and Mike wants fake. We got a fake one this year and got it half decorated when Blondie started having an anxiety attack. I took her down to the ER and we got home about midnight. Monday I had the flu, I couldn't move with fearing a mess. All day I felt like I had to get better to die. I must interject here that my 13 year old, the one that is giving me gray hairs from her attitude, the one that we have to tell to tune down the Nazi in her, took wonderful care of me. She kept the other kids from bugging me and got me all the ice water I could ask for. Then in the afternoon Blondie started saying her chest hurt again. So as soon as Mikey got home he had to take her to the urgent care clinic. They found she has pneumonia in one lung and bronchitis. Then this morning Chick felt ill. Just not fun around here.

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