Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sunday morning giggle

This is the conversation this morning after I asked my 7 &9 year olds to pick up their blankets from sleeping in the living room.
411: Mom, Bubba slept with me last night
Bubba: You sicko! You don't even know what that means.
411: uh-huh, it means being primitive!
It made me laugh, maybe it is the lack of sleep. Mikey and I got to go out last night to a chili cook off and hay rack ride. Mom came down and watched the kids. On the hay rack ride, they started passing around a bottle of Carmel vodka, it was really nummy. Then I had a couple of beers. I don't know why, I usually can't stand beer, but damn it was fun. I called mom and asked her to stay the night because Mikey and I were probably not going to be driving home. It has been a long time since we have gotten to be kid free grown ups having a good time. Poor Mikey isn't enjoying it as well this morning, a little peaked he is he is.

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