Monday, November 19, 2007


Here is a link that should make your blood boil.

Let me sum it up for you, a Saudi woman was kidnapped and gang raped by seven men. She had the audacity to want these men punished and talked to the government controlled newspapers about her ordeal. The courts sentenced HER to 90 lashes. Her lawyer thought this was wrong and appealed it so they not only INCREASED her punishment to 200 lashes, they threw in some jail time for her and revoked her lawyers license. And people have to ask why Americans think middle eastern countries are barbaric? I totally get that they have a different culture but I can not begin to understand humans treating other humans like that. This is the same country that condoned stoning a woman to death if she so much as talked to a man she wasn't married to. This isn't totally new though, there have been horrific examples all through time : the crusades, the holocaust, mass graves, genocide etc. It just it soooo sad that in 2007 a woman is at fault for being raped.

on another note, still getting ready for the big turkey day. I am down to cleaning my room and getting Mikey to put away his clothes. Wish me luck with that!!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Wow, it is so fun to have turkey day with family, I assume Zach is coming to see you, I forget, you probably said, but I still forget. Haha, have fun, Isaac and I are headed to see the babies!