Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I am ready

For some down time. It seems like there isn't enough time to get it all done. Now I find out that my children are being graded on how they dress for the Christmas program at school. In 2nd and 4th grade. It isn't such a big deal for me, I usually try to make sure they are presentable. Left over instructions drilled into my head from when I was in school and girls had to wear dresses and boys had to wear ties. But we all know there are families who really don't have the extra leeway to dress their kids up because their dress clothes might be a good pair of jeans. I think it is ridiculous that the teacher is mandating a dress code that not all kids are going to be able to follow and then downgrading them if it isn't to her standard. I really hope that part of the story isn't accurate but it is hard to tell since the woman hasn't sent any info out to the parents, is relying on the children to get the message to their parents.
I went to lunch with my mother yesterday. That was kinda nice. My Aunt Kathy had visited for a week or so and Mom is missing her something fierce. They are both in their 60's and she was telling me stories of them walking through the cemetery looking for places to jump out at each other. They are quite the pair.
Didn't someone once say never volunteer for anything? I know that is a written in stone thing for the army, you would think I woulda remembered that. My goofy butt volunteered to do the shopping for the Sweet Shoppe. It made the most sense since I have a few hours everyday during the day in which to get things done so off to Walmart and Aldi's I went. It wasn't too bad, I really need to get out more though, I was getting excited over all the little deals I was getting. That was till I went to Walmart. Why did I think going into bedlam was a good idea? Crikies, what is it about the holiday season that makes everyone so rude? It is all done now though so all we have to worry about it baking. Like mad devils. and dipping, can't forget the dipping.
I have Mr.'s x mas DONE. Chick needs sox and underwear and she is done. I even have Blondie down to sox and underwear. Bubba and 411, however, I am in trouble. I have bought everything on Bubba's list that I could find and I need a couple more to make things even. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find SIGMA 6 guys? I know, I know, toysrus prolly has them but UGGG! I hate that store. HATE IT!
I almost have Blondies stocking done, the kids are getting antsy. I told them I am not hanging stockings until I have hers done so everyone's can go up together. SO now my kids are riding me, got it done yet? got it done yet? I would like to think they are looking out for her. :)

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