Friday, December 21, 2007

purple polka dots

Most people think about what they are thankful for at thanksgiving. Not me, just shows what a weirdo I am. For some reason I think about it around Christmas, how lucky I am. I have compiled the top five list......

5. My home.
I have one. It may be a pig sty half the time, cleaning it my be like shoveling in a snow storm. But I have a warm place to sleep,eat,be. And I have been lucky enough to put things in my home that makes my life easier.

4.My health.
I don't have any diseases, heart problems, ear problems, lung problems. I have all the limbs and organs I was born with. So does my husband and children. That right there, I have come to believe, is a minor miracle.

3. My friends.
I am terrible at making new ones and really not good at maintaining long distance friendships. I know that the friends I do have love me and I can count on them to help if I ever need it. Ones I made at the age of 12 or 30, they will be there.

2. My husband
Despite the fact that he delights in making my blood pressure boil, he is a good man. He loves me and tolerates my wackiness (not without comment though).

1. My family
I know there is hostility throughout all families. This person is mad, that person started whatever. I have a brother that lives in Woodbine that refuses to acknowledge his mother and by extension any of his siblings. You take the good, you take the bad. My belief is that your family is always going to be your family and will be there in hard times (and good mostly). You can count on it and know that you will always be loved. I am so lucky to have such a broad based support system, I truly appreciate the love I feel. And to know that my kids are being raised with such a large well, it is amazing.

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