Monday, December 17, 2007


I am done Christmas shopping. Finished, finito, aint doing it no more. It feels so good because usually I am trying to grab that one last thing the day before and this year, I am ahead of the game. I can enjoy the rest of the season without that particular stress. Yippeee.

We watched 'Pursuit of Happyness' last night. I had avoided watching it because I had heard so many mixed things a bout it but everyone agreed it was a tearjerker. It was. If you are in the mood to bawl, it is a good choice, right up there with 'I am Sam'.

I ordered our Christmas cards, nothing like waiting till the last minute. I might have time to mail them out before the holidays. I just got the email saying they are ready to pick up. I am kind of disappointed in them, I should have taken the time to play wiht the picture more but they will work. Speaking of mail, my car loan company is like freaky fast with payments. I mailed a check on Thursday, it had to go to somewhere on the east coast, anyway, it was posting to my account by Sunday night. I have had debit transactions take longer. Weird.

Speaking of weird, Bubba has developed an allergy of some kind. He did it twice in one week a month ago and hasn't done it again. He complained of a tummy ache and then turned bright red and itched from hair to toes. We ran him to the urgent care and they said it looked like an allergy but it could be stress related the first time. The second time we took him to the er, which of course, by the time we got there, he was mostly over it because the benadryll and prednisone we had on hand from the last time had kicked in. Scary stuff. So I call the allergist to find out what the heck is going on. He doesn't have an available appointment til Jan. Of course not. It is crazy.

ok, ya'll know how I surf CNN and find stories that piss me off? Well, today I have a homegrown story. There is this guy, we'll call him... Phallus. Now Phallus had six children by six different women by the time he was 30. Then he met a girl recently graduated from high school and convinced her that she was the love of his life. Here comes baby number seven. The local tv station decides that this is interesting and asks for an interview, which he happily gives. When the reporter asks if he has thought of getting fixed, he was offended, why should he? Hmmm, because you aren't supporting your children that you already have, Phallus. Then the man complains because he has to pay too much (doncha just feel so sorry for him?) Well, the girl realizes that she isn't happy and Phallus doesn't want anything to do with any of his kids, including her baby so she leaves him. Apparently, that isn't acceptable because Phallus decides to punish the girl. He waits until she is in a new relationship and has a new baby with this man before he takes her to court for visiting rights. That's right, people, Phallus has decided he can't live without her baby in his life even though he has six other kids he has nothing to do with and there is a rumor of another on on the way from yet another woman. So, he is awarded one weekend day visits 9-4. The first day he was scheduled for a visit he doesn't show up till 9:30. For some strange reason, the baby (who is now 2 and doesn't have a clue who he is) doesn't want to go with Phallus. SO he tells the girl she needs to take the baby out and adjust the car seat and make it easier on him to take the baby. She tells him to quit traumatizing the baby and just leave. Which he does but ol' Phallus isn't done yet, he goes and gets the police because he is supposed to have visits and she can't keep him away from his baby. Forget the last two years apparently. (Here is where my blood pressure elevated) The police make the girl put her baby in his vehicle so he can leave easier even though the baby is screaming and crying and begging her mommy no. I know they were doing their job by upholding his court order but I think that is just cruel.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

i would have been more than happy to have played with the pic for you. photoshop is becoming my friend, but at least you didn't have to pay to have the pictures taken! lol