Thursday, February 12, 2009


I was listening to the radio this morning, as I do every morning, and I heard about the Suleman family website. This is the woman who already has 6 kids ages 2-7, is divorced, living off of government aid and with her mother, and gave birth to octuplets. She is proud to have 14 kids under the age of 7 and is asking for 'donations'.

OMG! my stomach turns at this. This woman got pregnant every time by in-vitro, at what point does a doctor say, enough? I am all for anyone having a family as big as they want as long as they can support them. The Duggars are a great example- they have 18 kids and want more. More power to them! The difference being, they are taking care of them financially, physically and emotionally. The state of California is going to have to cover over 1.3 MILLION dollars in medical bills because this woman is on welfare. Let me interject here, I fully support someone who needs a helping hand from the state getting it. I totally disagree with women who live off of it for years and years and have more babies to stay eligible. There are so many women/men/couples/people who long for a child of their own and never get the chance to experience the joy/stress/heartache/heartwarming that it entails. Then there is this woman who is making her uterus her business. Can someone please explain how a single woman is going to take care of 8 preemies on top of 6 children under the age of 7 by herself and give each child everything they need (basic care, not to mention materialistic items such as clothes, diapers etc)when they have no home of their own? I do not think it is humanly possible.


supermom said...

disquisting isn't it. it is hard enough to provide for 2, let alone 14. i am much disguisted by these people. the taxpayer will be taking care of these children. irritating!

Unknown said...

California has been taking it in the rear for many years, and Arnold has done nothing to improve that. In reality, this woman will receive her disability payments for her back, for her 3 retarded children, for the inevitable disabilities that the new 8 babies will have, and she will also get her food stamps and free medical. It will never stop. That's why I'm Republican.

Wendy said...

i thought you could only receive cash assistance for 5 years total. (not including food stamps or medical for the kids). anyway, i agree. It is sick. I think she did it for the publicity, the promos, and the sympathy.
i couldn't imagine a doctor agreeing to implant that many embryos into someone who already had 6 kids.

Cindy said...

Well, our Vah Jay Jay's weren't mean to be clown cars. I want to smack the fertility clinic, the Dr., the mother and the state for allowing her to have this implantation. There are many financially responsible people that want to do in vitro, but the cost is overwhelming, so they can't. But the state says, come on over here, I'll pay for you to have more than a baker's dozen that can live off welfare forever. Lord, what is the world coming to. I would so be knocking on my legislature's door if I lived in California.