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Mister's contribution to my blog :)
See, it was Monday when I started this entry, time has really gotten away from me. I have been running like mad. I heard a guy on the radio awhile ago on the AM side ( in the old van, that is all I got) that was talking about when he took some time off and stayed home with the kids so his wife could go back to work or school. He then goes on to say how easy it is to be home all day. PISSED ME OFF!! I was so furious. But I have been thinking about this for a while now. It all depends on your definition of easy. If you are talking heavy physical labor, yeah it is easier. If you are talking dress code wise, yep it's easier there too. And if you are talking commute, hands down easiest job ever. BUT if you wanna talk about stressful, underpaid, under appreciated, and flat out frustrating, I can't think easy is an accurate description. There was an article I read somewhere where the average stay at home mom, if paid for every job title she performs, would make like $130,000 a year. Like chef, laundress, chauffeur, seamstress, photographer, event coordinator, tutor, dishwasher, maid, daycare provider, advisor and pharmacist. Daily. The thing I
don't' get, when did it become tacky to stay home to raise your kids? Seriously, I am amazed at peoples reactions when they find out I am a stay at home mom. Even people in the foster care system are kinda like '
ohhhh why?'
ANYWAY, hopping off the soapbox now. Did
ya'll see that guy they arrested for raping a three year old girl on videotape. I won't rant and rave. All I am going to say is that I pray they "
accidentally" put him in general population in whatever prison he goes to. As far as I am concerned, there is nothing too evil for him.
Ok, that was depressing, let's see, what has been going on?
Hmmmm, appointments, meetings, more appointments, another meeting, yet another appointment. And tomorrow, guess what? Another appointment. This one is with the allergist, they are finally doing the skin test on Mr to see if he is allergic to anything else. I am crossing my fingers that he grows out of the peanut allergy. At my moms today, I asked him if he wanted some peanuts. He told me no. I asked him
whynot? he told me, I am '
lergic. I am so relieved that he understands that he can't have peanuts and he is starting to ask
before he eats stuff. Used to be he would ask halfway through something.
I had to get my first oil change in the new van today. I am just excited to go 'yeah, that shiny new red one, that's mine' Now I just have to find a crystal for the mirror......