Monday, October 29, 2007

Further proof

Now I am not a rocket scientist by any stretch, but I think there is some major common sense missing here somewhere.,2933,305458,00.html

This woman is 25, with 8 children , six of which are under 6, and 4 of which tested positive for cocaine. COCAINE people. On the video, it said there were allegations made to CPS in 2002 and again in 2005, apparently both those were unfounded. Cps were called this time because there was 11 people living in a one bedroom apartment. No one was home, they found these babies because one of the 11 month old boys was taken to the hospital with a broken wrist, arm and head trauma. The nurses were suspicious because he wasn't in any pain. Turns out he was high on coke. Sometimes, the idea of having to pass a test to have kids makes a hell of alot of sense.

The Halloween bash is over, I think it went well. We had 114 kids check in , there were a few that missed that step. Next year we are going to split the ages up though, the littler one like the games and the older ones liked the karaoke. 411 said her favorites were Dr. Insane and Mesmerelda. I thought that was cool since she knew all the behind the scenes stuff and was still impressed. When I find my camera, I will post pictures.
Parent teacher conferences are coming up, I am anxious to hear how Mr is doing. His teacher lives in the same apartment building and she says he is so neat to have in class but I will be interested to see what the aide has to say. I am not looking forward to Bubba's, he is still being a butt about getting his work done. He is always looking for ways to get out of it. I have a sneaky suspicion that this is just the tip of the iceberg and it is only going to get worse. I don't have PTC for the teens, that is probably for the best. I am not sure there is enough time in the night to go over their drama.

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