Wednesday, October 10, 2007

People Piss me off

There is a person, A, who knows that a situation is not going to happen. There is no way it will be possible. So let's get the kids all excited about it and let them try to make it happen and when it doesn't, A can sit back and go, Gee, I really wanted it to work, I don't understand why it didn't. So then everyone else gets to look like the bad guy. It is bad enough that people in this world are manipulative, deceitful users but to drag the kids in on it is totally inexcusable. And if it was just this one person, maybe it would be different but I have seen this happen time and again. This is just the episode that blew steam out of my ears. I wish I could just stand by my old favorite, stupid should hurt. This incident wasn't stupidity though, this was calculation. Ok, I vented, much better now.