Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Have I mentioned that I LOVE Wednesday mornings? All 5 of the lovely children are at school for 4 hours. No babysitting, no Mr., whatever shall I do? Take a deep breath and luxuriate in it I spose. Let's see, Blondie and Chick went to school laughing together. As I write that I am beating on my desk to ward of whatever juju comes from NOT knocking on wood. I keep saying a little prayer that they each will discover that the other is not the handmaiden to satan and that they actually can get along.
I am loving the weather, 70's yesterday and today. Then mother nature has to go and get PMS and give us a rainy 48 degrees tomorrow. All the more reason to spend as much time outdoors today.
I was listening to the radio this morning and they were talking about a bill that is going to Mayer of Omaha, Mike Fahey, about letting under 21 people into concerts at music venues (bars) where they normally wouldn't be allowed if they have a notarized permission slip from their parents. I think it is a good idea within limits. Like say 18 and up with permission slip and 16 and up with an adult. It is a smaller venue, easier to keep track of who is doing what. Like one mom called in and said,' I would rather my son be somewhere everyone knows his age then somewhere he is sneaking it.' As for myself, I guess I am having a hard time understanding the big deal. I used to go to the clubs in Colorado Springs when I was 16. I had to pay a $20 cover charge(regular cover was like $5), get a neon wristband and surrender my ID. If at anytime I didn't have my wristband or I had been caught doing something naughty, they would have called the police to come escort me home. It was a ball, the $20 was hard enough to come by that I didn't wanna waste it by getting tossed out let alone be escorted by cops. I was easily intimidated though so maybe that makes a difference.
2 weeks and 2 days till my mini vacation with my sister and my mom. That is how I am choosing to look at it as opposed to going to Kansas (the evil state) to see my nephew graduate (from a 2 year program at age 28). It'll be the first time I have seen Terrie since '05 I think. I am trying to remember, I know it was Christmas. Anyway, it will be nice to go be a grown up.
I am so excited, it is officially yard sale season. There are three I am looking forward to going to this weekend, one of which is my sister in law, Dianne's, work is having their annual sale. All the employee's donate stuff to it, I will just have to go down to it. HEE HEE Then two weeks after that is a sister breakfast. Chick was asking me the other day when her and Megan can start coming. I think I will have to get with Chelle about starting another tradition because I am selfish and don't want to give up it being just the sisters. Even though I am just a lowly in law. I forget that once in awhile, my poor kids are so confused. "If Aunt Dianne is your sister, how can she be my Gramma Diana?" no no Dianne is Mike's sister, Diana is my mom. yeah, 411 is 8 and still gets all the relations mangled. At least they knows that everyone loves them, that is most important.

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