Thursday, April 24, 2008

ya know...

There has come a time when I just want to throw my hands in the air and go, what now? what did I do to deserve this? who did I piss off in which previous life so bad that I deserve this stress? To be fair, there is nothing life threatening or catastrophic, it is just a plethora of minor irritations that piles on day after day. So what is new in my life? Nothing, just the same old, different day. The toilet overflowed, AGAIN, guess who got to clean it up. I had to run a kid to the hospital last night, guess who got to clean up the dinner mess from last night. Mr needs a test done, guess who gets to take him. Chick took too long of a shower, guess who's fault that is. Someone left the freezer standing open all night, guess who got to clean up the melted ice cream mess all over the floor. There are no clean towels (see #1) guess who gets to do the laundry. This is wrong, it is my fault. That is wrong, it is my fault. Being a responsible adult is no fun.

We heard from our friend Snatch. He is in the middle of nowhere, an hour away from phones and any kind of shopping or mail even. I am guessing he will be wanting a care package sooner then later.
I am looking forward to May, we have a sisters breakfast, Mothers day, my moms bday, my trip to get away. I am not looking forward to June with all 5 kids home all day every day.


Cindy said...

I am thankful you don't have a JOB!! HAHAHA, did I just SAY THAT? Cuz you get to do all the stuff that needs done......oh, wait, I do that and HAVE A JOB!!! This is said tongue in cheek, of course. I guess what I am saying is this, I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! but then, my DH is a gem, my little bro needs a rear kicking!

Wendy said...

i am sorry you feel this way today.. i hear ya hubby leaves home at SIX THIRTY am. He doesn't have to be to work until SEVEN THIRTY..and we live 2 flippin miles from work..sigh..
i hope you get some help sooon.

Cindy said...

Oh, dear, this sounds just as bad as it did this morning. I feel for ya.

Cindy said...

Forgot to say, let us know about the care package. Give us a list of what he needs.