Monday, April 21, 2008

Flying turdballs

I have two sons, Bubba and Mr., they have been potty trained for 6 and 2 years respectively. Occasionally, they have bowel issues. This could be stress related but more probably is sheer laziness. I have bribed, yelled, threatened, harassed, begged, pleaded, asked nicely even for them to stop crapping their pants. Apparently they have figured out that I do not enjoy cleaning up after them (or making them do it) because now they have taken to hiding it. You know that expression, it all comes out in the wash? yeah, that is where I am going with this. I was doing laundry this morning and my dryer starts to sound like I am drying a pair of tennis shoes. Which, since I am the only one that does laundry, I know to not be true. So I open the door to see what is making the noise, and out flies a cupcake sized turdball. Lavender fabric softener did nothing to make that smell better. Of course, no one knows anything on how it happened to get there. Happy Monday to me indeed. I love my children, I love my children, I love my children

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I have nothing that will help you. I feel for ya, though. Boys can be hard.