Thursday, April 3, 2008


If I were to go into a courtroom and lie my ass off, there would be a consequence. Instead, there is a person I know who did just that and was rewarded for it. I am really frustrated and I know that it probably happens all the time. The truth will come out eventually and all the appropriate cliche's but seriously, how many chances should one person be given?
And on another note, I am sooo tired of teens. Why do I get to be the bad guy every day, every time? You guys can't imagine what kind of anticipation I have for May 2&3. I don't care if I do have to go to the evil state; two full days of grown up peoples. YAHOO!! I have got to find something decent to wear for the grand occasion. Which means I will have to buy something because my closet is pathetically casual. It is depressing to try to find something that doesn't make me feel/look like 250 lbs of hell.
So Bubba brings home another detention slip. He gets these because he doesn't do his homework or is messing around in class not working and gets sent to study hall, after 2 in a weeks time, he gets detention. This is something that has gotten really really bad this year. He almost refuses to attempt to learn anything that doesn't interest him. If it doesn't explode, shoot or die in some way, he isn't interested. They were looking at sending him to an excel program at the beginning of the year, now he goes to remedial math because he doesn't listen to the instructions and then is lost when it comes to doing the work. Math especially is a layered learning, if you don't get the basics, you can't do the rest of it. And Bubba doesn't/won't see that he HAS to pay attention. It is frustrating.
411 has started soccer. They changed soccer camps this year so they won't be selling raffle tickets this year. Instead they get to sell tickets to a chicken dinner so the soccer club can buy a concession trailer. They have a week to do it. And all of the money for the camp comes out of pocket, it is a 3 day camp instead of 5 and they don't get a cool ball. She was very disappointed but I am sure she will like it just as well.
Chick is struggling with her 'tude. Sometimes she catches herself but most of the time not. It is getting to where I am looking forward to summer.
Blondie will be with us for at least another 4 months. I am not sure what she thinks of that, she doesn't like to talk about it. I can't imagine it is easy to not know long term. We'll see how things go....

Mikey got his new camper, already we have to take it back in. We looked at it a couple three different times, they did the walk through, we are very happy. When we got it to Kevin's, the couch slid away from the wall ( didn't know it would do that) and there is damage to the wall behind it. So he called the place we got it and they are going to fix it. He was all happy about that , so his car decided to blow up. We knew it was coming but it still is -for lack of a better word- frustrating.
I have made a new dental appointment for the 26th. Chelle highly recommends them so I am a bit less stressed about going. I am not looking forward to it by any means but hopefully, it will be a good experience so I will be good to go back. Speaking of dentists, I have to take all four of my kids to get a checkup here soon. yuck. Chick is going to need braces soon, when she loses all her baby teeth. She will be 14 in June, you would think she'd be losing them already. That is ok, a little more time to financially prepare. At this rate, 411 will be getting them at the same time :)

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Could be Celeste's adult teeth are 'stuck'. It happened to Karen, they had to pull her baby teeth, then anchor the adult teeth with a chain and 'guide' them into the space. Pretty pricey, but othewise the teeth would never have come in.

You need to read the book,'Teach like your hair's on fire" by Rafe Esquith, maybe as a parent you can get ideas on how to make Math fun for Brandon. It would be worth a shot. I have the book, but it isn't mine, I know Wendy has it also.