Thursday, July 5, 2007

The day after

Mikey's party was yesterday, he was happy with the way it turned out. I finally found the little zinger fireworks I spent all day looking for at the river, they had somehow (411) got put in a bag that had been brought into the house when we stopped to pick up Zach's truck. Gotta love kids.
Finally got the babysitting thing worked out. It turns out my niece had turned in the right paperwork, the person just hadn't forwarded it like they were supposed to. So got the left hand talking to the right and it should be good. They will only go back to May 1st ( I started April 16) but at least it is something. Of course, now she is moving so it is a moot point for the future anyways.
Tomorrow Chick comes home and is bringing her two 15 year old cousins and an 11 year old cousin. I love having family here, I will be so disappointed when they can't come next year due to jobs. It is nice to have my home considered a fun place and not be criticised for one thing or another. I know they enjoy escaping their lives just as much. Everyone should be able to get away once in awhile.
Zach has been here for a couple of days now, I am always amazed at the relationship him and Mikey have. I am horrible at people skills, making new friends, keeping old ones, making small talk for God's sake. I know alot of time it is considered rudeness or bitchiness, it is just some chromosome that I am lacking. Anyway, they are right back into the rhythm of their friendship like they just saw each other yesterday instead of a year and a half ago. It is really neat and I am glad that Mikey has that. Of course, they are a pain in my neck, especially when they decide it is time to check to see how quickly they can get my blood pressure screaming ( a fave activity for some reason).
Dudette is letting Bubba and 411 spend the night with her kids and Whimp is taking Mr tomorrow for the grand adventure. Lets see, 4 hours of Zach, Mike, and Joey VS Me, Chick, Cheyenne and Candace. Bring it on!

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