Friday, July 20, 2007


There has been way too much going on for me to remember to update. I don't escape the nagging, but favors go a long way in quieting them. :)
After a dramatic visit (anything to do with teens is dramatic) my nieces and nephew are finally home. It was a long story in and of itself getting them there. Jo is convinced Iowa is the closest thing to heaven he can find and we left him strategizing how he was going to convince his mom to let him come up next year. Nana is so used to being alone all the time, she was really looking forward to some quiet time. Candace, well, she is Candace. She is just happy with life.
My sister abruptly moved back to Canada. I guess she is only going to Winnipeg which is just over the border and a lot closer then Edmonton, but it is still in Canada for crikey sake!
I watched Premonition with Sandra Bullock last night, still not sure about it. I hated the way it ended, and I was really bummed because there was no explanation and there were some obvious inconsistencies once you pieced the timeline together. It did make you pay attention and work your brain though. I watch Assault on Precinct 13 the other night. That was a pretty decent action movie. I have to be in the mood to watch certain types, makes it so much better.
411 is enjoying soccer camp, today is her last day. I don't know, I don't think she will make a career out of it but it is fun for her. I just feel bad because she got sooo sunburnt at Aunt Chelle's pool, it has to be uncomfortable for her. Although her shoulders are pretty much healed.
Bubba is just thrilled that he got his video games back. We had taken them away for almost a month and he is restricted to an hour a day. You can't really get a lot done on a game in an hour but he needed that "intervention".
Chick is back safe and sound, although her attitude might strain the 'safe' part of that. Yeah, I so love the eye rolling, sighing, "you're so mean!!", fit throwing, and mercurial temperament. On the flip side of that, she is so much more affectionate to me; I can give her hugs and she willingly gives me hugs. For no reason. I don't know if that is my reward for not killing her or what. I really REALLY dread that I have 3 more to get to adulthood.
Mikey and I were talking about this summer and how we really haven't gotten a lot of camping in this year. We have been busy busy busy. He was telling me that he wants to go down to the river this weekend, I told him that would be good because next weekend is a party, the weekend after that is sister breakfast and Kathy's party, the weekend after that is Justin's party, and the weekend after that is when the kids start school. Seems like time is flying. Pretty soon it will be time to get the Halloween bash planned and Christmas grab bag to be finalized. I kind of like it, time doesn't drag.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay, I finally got a chance to watch Premonition and I have it all figured out for ya.
She was conflicted on the whole idea of saving her husband because, #1, there was a lot of money waiting for her, and, #2, he was gonna cheat on her.
So when she decided to save him, she did so (somewhat) when she took the initiative to work on their marriage, intimacy, etc.
That seemed to change the course of events. BUT, it turns out he was meant to die, no matter what she did to try and change it.
At the end, she was pregnant with his kid and she was "starting over" with the lake house and the insurance money. (because remember she had the conversation with the stranger at the lake about it being a good place to start over...)