Thursday, July 26, 2007

That was interesting

I have finally finished Harry Potter 7 after picking it up from Whimpy on Monday. I wish I had taken the time to reread the first 6 as there seemed to be a lot of referencing of things that I had forgotten. I like it when an author wraps up a series in a way that makes sense. And that is all I have to say about that.
Mr.'s allergist's office called today to tell me that his blood count was 1.48. Great. I have no idea what that number means; so the nice lady explained that it means that his allergy is considered moderate (not breathing is moderate???) and that maybe next year they can start doing a challenge on him. That is where they (carefully controlled) introduce peanuts into his everyday diet in the hopes that his body will start to recognize it isn't a chemical assassin. They plan on doing a skin test in October to see if he is allergic to anything else. I am pretty sure he has at least mild springtime allergies. Given the severity of his reactions, I would really like to be prepared if he is going to react to anything else.
My kids have decided that today is the day that all 4 of them are going to challenge every single thing they are told. Maybe it has something to do with not being able to sleep till 3 am last night and it is now 10:30pm, I could be a tad grumpy. If this insomnia doesn't start to correct itself, I am going to have to see a doctor. I can't handle being this bitchy all the time. I know there is some smart ass crack Mikey is waiting to say to that so it is probably a good thing I can't hear it right now.

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