Monday, June 25, 2007

I have a bouncing baby teen!!

Chick's 13th birthday is today. Wow, it feels kinda weird knowing my baby is now officially a teenager. I know, I have had to attitude and drama for the last couple of years. Hmm, strange.

Bubba is busy challenging everything I tell him. He asked to do the dishes (because it pays the most to get his toys back not because he really wanted to do them) and then proceeded to get them wet and call them good. I mean there was still chunks on the silverwear when he set them to dry. So we put them all back in the soapy water and he washed them again. There was still about five spoons that needed rewashed. I asked him yesterday to clean his room before he went to bed, he didn't. When I went in to pick up and keep whatever he didn't this morning, I found three pairs of dirty shorts. I am working on the love and logic way of dealing with him but feel like I am spinning my wheels.

There was finally some common sense today..
At least someone is using it!

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