Thursday, June 7, 2007

summer is here

Finally, it feels like summer. The weather is warm, the kids are home, and Chick is homesick. She has been calling everyday, and not just me. She has been calling her cousins, her friend, me, her dad, everyone she can think of. She will be going to her Aunt Ambers soon, then her and three of her cousins will be coming up here the 6th of July. I was hoping they would get to be here for the Fish Fry on the Fourth but no. It's understandable, Papa lets them shoot off the big fireworks and they really enjoy that tradition. I am looking forward to seeing my nephew and nieces again, it has been a long time. I am a tad nervous about Joey (he's so drreeaaammyyyy)coming up into Chicks circle since he is 15 and all her friends are 13 or so. Cheyenne might be coming too, shes 15, and will help curtail any naughtiness. Candace is the other niece of mine that is supposed to be coming. She is.. oh 11 now, soon to turn 12. Her and 411 get along great so that is cool, poor 411 gets left out alot. I miss these guys alot. Fortuntely, they are actually looking forward to coming to Aunt Brandy's. My other nephew, Austin, was supposed to come up but he got in trouble over his grades and isn't allowed. From what I understand, that is a very big disappointment for him. It is kinda cool to be leverage :) Now all I have to do is remember to take pictures while they are here.

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