Thursday, June 28, 2007

More movie reviews

I spent my morning watching movies, Thirteen and Friends with Money. The first one made me so thankful for my baby teen! It is about a girl who wants to be popular so she does what ever it takes to make the most popular girl be her friend. Ok, I remember those days, I thought. Yeah, my jr high days didn't include drugs, sex, piercings, stealing or cutting myself. It is really disturbing and I need to pull my head out of my little safe bubble and realize that these are issues that are real. Maybe not so much in Tabor, but in this day and age, it is a lot more then I wanna see. It was uncomfortable to watch but I guess that was the point. I would recommend it to anyone with kids.
The other one was such a disappointment. It has Jennifer Aniston, Catherine Keener, And Joan Cusak so I was looking forward to it. It is one of those films that is trying to be edgy and say something but just kind of rambles and you are waiting for it to get interesting and then it is over and you are still waiting. Ugg is all I am going to say.
Poor tater is just filthy. Megger took her to the park to play, and she must have had a ball!! I love it when the bigger kids come in to stay with me cuz they actually like to play with the little ones, keeps everyone occupied. 411 is looking homeless, she has a rip in her dress and mud down the front. I gave up trying to keep her clean years ago. I am to the point, if she is presentable in public, it's good enough.
I am still waiting on my paperwork to get paid for babysitting. I have called them three times now. The nice thing is when they finally get it all straight, I will get paid for 2 months at once. The downside, by the time they do get it figured, Kristi will be moved and it will be a moot point.
Got to run errands to get ready for this next week, Mike's best bud will be here for the week. Then next week, 2 15 year olds and an extra 12 year old will be here with Chick. SO I am thinking by the time my sister breakfast rolls around, I am gonna be SOOO ready :)

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