Friday, June 22, 2007

Mr. is fine

So, yesterday morning at 6:00am, we got Mr up and took him up to the hospital. They had his room all ready for him and even a Welcome Justin on the dry erase board (which I thought was sweet).

The first thing they did was make him put on some loony tunes hospital jammies and then we waited. For like an hour and a half, every time someone came in the room, he jumped up into my arms. He doesn't do well with strangers so this was pretty much hell for him. They offered to give him some medicine that would help calm him down before they took him into surgery and the only way we could get him to take it was to tell him he could ride in the wagon (it is a lil red wagon they use to transport the kids so they aren't scared by the gurney) by the time we got downstairs (less then 5 minutes later) he was weavy. To tell you how much he really didn't care, he let the nurse lay him back on the pillow in the wagon. All Mike and I saw as he was going through the doors was his lil arms back behind his head, just chillin' ! It took till about 10:15 or so before they came to tell us that he was fine, they had to do 6 caps and 2 fillings. At 10:50, they wheeled him up to the room on the gurney, he looked soooo tiny. Everyone kept telling us how big he is for three, he just looked dinky to me.

Mike picked him up and he kinda sorta woke up and reached for me. I tried laying him on the bed and he wanted none of that. I finally got him to compromise by just laying on my arm on the bed. My favorite shirt got ruined ( he had a little bit of bleeding from his nose) but I don't care. They had put an IV in and had it wrapped up in purple tape. For some reason, he really hated that and kept trying to take it off in him sleep. Mike talked the nurse into removing it while he was still out and he was so much more comfortable, he slept till 12:30. He woke up and instantly drained a mini can of Sprite (his favorite) and went back to sleep. We finally got to leave at 1:25 and all Mr could do was doze in and out all day. We went up to pick up 411 and Bubba from my moms and visit with my Aunt Kathy and her husband Jim. Mr fell asleep again on the floor. This is how he spent his night, as soon as we finally got home.

I really HATE when he is so .... limp like this. Poor lil guy, he still is droopy this morning and not wanting to do a whole lot of anything. He started running a lil fever, which the doc said was normal, this morning. So I am pretty much letting him do what he wants ( which is sleep and watch cartoons) while trying to get him to eat pudding. He won't take tylonel so we are riding the fever out. Hopefully he perks up soon.....

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