Monday, June 11, 2007

I was reading CNN

I know I shouldn't, it just gets me riled. Here is what I found today: Senator Sam Brownback (R. Kan) , at a gathering of 500 Catholic men, proclaimed that rape victims should not be offered abortion (this includes the morning after pill). I know that this is a touchy subject and I am probably going to piss a couple of people off but here are my thoughts. WHAT THE HELL? A man is going to say to other men that a woman who has been victimized and abused should have to live with a daily reminder of a terrible trauma. I personally have never made the choice to have an abortion nor do I feel it is my right to tell someone they can't. I also believe that it can't be considered a child till there is a heartbeat (here is where all the screaming starts) and that damn sure isn't within the 72 hours you have to take the pill in. I do not understand how a man, who can not ever be put in such a horrendous decision making position, blithely say no one should have that option. I look at it like this, if my daughter was raped, there is no way you are going to convince me that she has to carry that for 9 months unless that is her choice. I love all of my children and was greatly saddened to go through two miscarriages ( before I got together with Mikey) and if I got pregnant today, I wouldn't exactly be jumping for joy, but I would have baby #5. However, regardless of what choices I have made and continue to make for myself, I can't dictate to someone else what they can or can't do. With that said, I also believe it shouldn't be an option past 8 weeks and only in cases of extreme physical problems or rape. See, he is just further evidence that Kansas is an evil state. :)

PS, I know that there are Senators with these beliefs all over, but I couldn't resist a dig at Kansas since I dislike it so.

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