Friday, August 24, 2007


It's Friday Friday Friiiiddddaaayyyyy! I don't know why I am excited, maybe because I will have 2 days of being able to send Mr to see his dad. It is always nice to be able to say, go see your father :)

On a more serious note, my niece Stacy just found out some disturbing news about her second babies development. They went to an ultrasound specialist yesterday after the regular ultrasound doctor didn't like what he saw. It turns out the babies left side of her heart isn't developing the way it should and because of this, she will have to have surgery as soon as she is born. She isn't due till November 8th so there is a long time for Stac to stress and worry. I am planning a shower for her but that has been put on hold till we see what happens.

I always took for granted that I would have healthy, physically perfect babies. Whether that was arrogance or ignorance, who knows. I do know that I feel for Stacy and Curtis and really hope that everyone who is reading this keeps warm thoughts and prayers for them.

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