Saturday, August 11, 2007

I have found this website and it is like crack for me. It is a project started a few years ago by a guy named Frank. People are encouraged to make their own postcards and share their deepest secrets anonymously. He has a few books out that I have on my birthday list. There are also a couple of videos on that are really interesting. I found a quote on there, ( I love quotes) that said " Every single person has at least one secret that would break your heart. If we could just remember this, I think there would be a lot more compassion and tolerance in the world." I have to agree with this totally. I need to remember this especially, I am very quick to make snap decisions that I later regret. I try to live a motto of NO REGRETS but you know, sometimes the buggers sneak up on you. One of the major things I am trying to get across to my children to help them in their lives is tolerance. I am doing a not so admirable job with Chick, I think I phrased it, "you are not a damn princess here to order us peasants around so get off the damn high horse" . Ok, not one of my better moments. I know what I was thinking and it just came out all cussy. Today was not a great day nerve wise. I seriously wanted to call the doctor and tell her to give me some happy pills. I was so stressed. I keep telling myself it is all financial and that as soon as such and such happens, it will all be good. Then something so random will set me on the edge of tears and I can't explain it. I wish I could just chalk it up to PMS, at least that is a reason. It isn't all the time, most of the time I am pretty laid back I think. It is probably just that the kids need to start school. Yeah that is it, 4 more days of summer vacation. And I have my sister breakfast next weekend, that will be a good thing. The ladies and I were talking about going to a movie after we eat, I am almost dancing at the thought. A real honest to god grown up movie with no animation, no potty breaks, no sticky hands.... giggle giggle I need to get out more.

1 comment:

HayleyS said...

Wow Brandy I am with you - its the most amazing site - I can't help but read it every week because it is so amazing