Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The doctors visits, oh the joy

I had to take Munchkin to the doctors yesterday. That was so fun, apparently she thinks I am a total idiot and is concerned with my ability to take care of the baby. She was very condescending. I have never experienced such rudeness; I have dealt with doctors all over the world and have not been treated like that. I was really offended, and I do not want to go back to her but I need to keep it consistant for her records sake. I guess this is my first test to see if I can handle it.
I need to make and appointment for Mr to go see the Doctor again too (garuntee it won't be with that doctor) because he is refusing to take his medicine. To the point of spitting it all over me.
I am counting the blessing that at least the other kids are healthy even if the are totally ornery.
I sound just like I feel today: stressed, tired, cranky. I am going to end with a happy thought.

ok, here goes.........

I'm thinking.....


Oh, it is not -9 degree's today. It will be a blistery 25, that is something.

wait, I have a better one, me great niece that just had double cochlear implants is doing great and hearing her mommy and daddy. That is a wonderful thing to remember when I really get grumpy, like a minor miracle.

1 comment:

oldestsistercindy said...

You have sure been busy! I didn't know that Mr. had another ambulance ride, poor little guy. I love them getting stuck in the bucket, that is too cute. All you seem to do is run kids to the Dr. and that kind of thing. It would make me crazy, I would never get anything else done. Cindy