Friday, January 5, 2007

yee haw

In order to fully share what is going on in my life, I am changing over to this site. I have a myspace account but apparently not enough people could share in my life so I am opening it up here. To recap, I have four kids and a foster daughter, a husband, five sister inlaws that will occasionally be referred to as the pakobitches, a sister, three brothers, my mom and friends all over the country. I complain. A lot, it is what I do. I am working on that for the new year. As well as getting a more comfortable stash for Christmas next year. Let's see, I also want to work on being more tactful. When Chelle asks me if I like this top I really don't have to go Hell to the no!, a simple not the right look will suffice. I love being a mom, especially when my three year old, MR. climbs on my lap and says " me not a little boy, me a big boy". When my twelve year old,Chick, rolls her eyes and gives me that " I can't believe how lame you are" look, not so much. I also have a seven year old, 411, that is my social butterfly. She is the one that wants to join everything and see and do it all. Now my eight year old, Bubba, is only interested in Army stuff. And video games as long as they relate to Army stuff. He is the one that moas and complains about having to go camping, spends the entire time setting up battles, and is the first one in the car to come home. Mikey is one of a kind. He is a good, solid, loving man. However he does get on my last nerve from time to time and I have a habit of oversharing. His sisters may not appreciate that but it is my blog. Ok, well I think that is a good intro and now I am off to tweek the page :)

Don't cook. Don't clean. No man will ever make love to a woman because she waxed the linoleum - "My God, the floor's immaculate. Lie down, you hot bitch." ~Joan Rivers

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